What are auto shipping rates? Auto shipping rates simply refer to the total cost that you are expected to incur during movement of your car from pick-up station to drop-off destination. Auto transport services are usually employed by people wishing to relocate to another country with their cars or those ones who have bought cars and would like them shipped back to their home country. Why are auto shipping rates important? Before you decide on looking for a car shipping company Air Jordan 1 For Sale , you should shop around for several car shipping companies so that you can get the best auto shipping rates that fit within your budget. Most auto shipping rates can be found on auto shipping sites. All you need to do is fill in a quick form with some details after which you will get auto shipping rates from different companies on the same day. Auto shipping rates are important because they help you plan for the shipment cost of your car. You will not only be able to estimate how much you will need for the entire car shipment process but also the timeframe it is likely to get so that you can wait for it on the pick-up date. Last minute rashes might force you to fall for any auto shipping rates. You stand very high risks of being taken advantage of. In addition, you may not be in a position to seek out for safe and reliable services. How are auto shipping rates determined?